Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 6 ... of comfort and mothers...

What a miserable, cold and rainy day we had today. It was beautiful. I have spent a total of two hours out of my pajamas. I watched a bunch of SYTYCD (the dance thing) back to back, interspersed with the movie Crouching Tiger, Something or other Dragon - which by the way is a beautiful movie, even if you're not into that sort of thing - and finally watched some golf. We took a two hour break to visit the folks, they tempted us with home made rhubarb pie! Who could resist?

For dinner Honey and I foraged in the fridge. Once in a while, and tonight was one of those nights, we don't have a "formal" dinner, no three food groups, no organized process, more like left overs, or something we each make for ourselves. My treat tonight was "noodles and eggs".

Do you remember any foodie things your mom used to cook you when you were a kid? My mom used to make us noodles and eggs, and I pretty much stay true to form except I take mine up a notch by using yummy Udon noodles, hot sesame seed oil, and curry spices. She used to make us sweet rice - white Dainty rice, cooked in milk, and served with either sugar and cinnamon sprinkled on top, or with fruit cocktail. Makes me gag to think about it now - but I used to LOVE that! Or cream of wheat the same way. She used to make us "spaetzle" - German home made noodles, and then fry that in brown butter, with bread crumbs. What's the nutritional value of that?  But I would eat it so happily - until I felt ill and ready to bust! Sundays at the cottage, she would always make us her French toast - that was always such a treat for us. She made pfannenkuchen - thick crepe like things - which we had with a host of different fillings - creamed spinach, or potato salad, or cut fruit into the batter and then sprinkle that with sugar, bizarre, but all in their own right yummy believe it or not. And I realized while making my noodles tonight, thinking about this, how nice was it to have come upon a good memory of my mom.

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